It rises from a farm like a phoenix. It creaks, it groans, but it turns fiercely... spinning wind into electricity, to drive a flour mill that feeds an entire village.
Clay pottery at a street exhibition. This "carbon" blue is a hue I just can't take my eyes off!
This picturesque house and farm were conquered from a rocky hill. Took 3 years.
Atop an arid, impenetrable, stony hulk of land, each inch of land must've been hard fought and won.
Today, the entire family lives off the land.
So when the going seems tough - always lean on the future.
I love the lines and shapes in this photo!
The steering wheel of a 1954 Rolls Royce Silver Dawn. The beauty of craftsmanship is equalled only by the intricate controls.
To me, this image pays an ode to modernization - its showcases so subtly, how electronics and fly-by-wire wizardry has eased our lives.
I'd have needed a 300 page manual to drive a car like this!
That said, I am forever enchanted by the beauty of the creations of the bygone era - and this is an excellent example of the handiwork of the '50s
A bun? A Bagel?
I don't know what it was under all those seeds, but I do know it was delicious!
Since I polished off the last one!
I just l-o-v-e old things! No surprise then, that this old-world kitchen scale caught my eye.
One of my favorite reasons to do sreet photography - it so often reintroduces memories long forgotten.
I love the mileu of elements in this photo - architecture, capitalism, nature, and of course, my new friend, the pigeon that roamed around cocking it's head side to side.
He and I shared the bagel/bun featured here: