If you can't make out what this is - these are conduits built into the face of a dam. A serious player in the dam's strength, a conduit enables the release of water to prevent over-pressure from the reservoir-side.

Why "Will" - well, because I think it's the embodiment of the secret of Will Power - and it reminds me of parenting - block some, give a little. Without that "give" everything could fall apart!

Psst: To get a sense of scale, move to the next picture to see this in perspective. See if you can spot this particular cross-section in the larger scheme of things.
If you can't make out what this is - these are conduits built into the face of a dam. A serious player in the dam's strength, a conduit enables the release of water to prevent over-pressure from the reservoir-side. Why "Will" - well, because I think it's the embodiment of the secret of Will Power - and it reminds me of parenting - block some, give a little. Without that "give" everything could fall apart! Psst: To get a sense of scale, move to the next picture to see this in perspective. See if you can spot this particular cross-section in the larger scheme of things.
It was ethereal! Mist, the milieu of smells from hundreds of different flowers - made me feel like I was in the Avatar!
It was ethereal! Mist, the milieu of smells from hundreds of different flowers - made me feel like I was in the Avatar!
This picturesque house and farm were conquered from a rocky hill. Took 3 years.

Atop an arid, impenetrable, stony hulk of land, each inch of land must've been hard fought and won.

Today, the entire family lives off the land.

So when the going seems tough - always lean on the future.
This picturesque house and farm were conquered from a rocky hill. Took 3 years. Atop an arid, impenetrable, stony hulk of land, each inch of land must've been hard fought and won. Today, the entire family lives off the land. So when the going seems tough - always lean on the future.
This dreamy landscape took some doing to capture. 

It's not usually easily to get so many elements into one frame, yet capture one entity as the hero.

A cold morning in the hills - the mist lifting sleepily off the ground - shrouding over farms, a big grove and even hills, all drive my eye to that little cottage in the center. 

Yet like all hill towns, this serenity will soon become a beehive of immense activity - seen and unseen.
This dreamy landscape took some doing to capture. It's not usually easily to get so many elements into one frame, yet capture one entity as the hero. A cold morning in the hills - the mist lifting sleepily off the ground - shrouding over farms, a big grove and even hills, all drive my eye to that little cottage in the center. Yet like all hill towns, this serenity will soon become a beehive of immense activity - seen and unseen.
I'll just sit here quietly. There's nothing I can say that can adequately describe this.
I'll just sit here quietly. There's nothing I can say that can adequately describe this.
Sometimes, all you need is timing. And a little fortitude. 

And there's magical shot!
Sometimes, all you need is timing. And a little fortitude. And there's magical shot!

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